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History at St. Elizabeth’s




Through our history curriculum, we aim for pupils to:

-gain an understanding of Britain in the past and that of the wider world,

-know about changes in living memory and beyond,

-gain an insight into the lives of significant historical individuals in the past and significant historical events in the past,

-have the opportunity to consider how events and people of the past have had an impact on life today.

Implementation: History is taught in half termly topics, linked to the national curriculum.  A school progression of knowledge and skills provides objectives for teachers to plan a series of lessons which take place weekly.  In KS1, historical themes are studied whilst in KS2, specific periods of history are investigated from early history to more modern times.  History lessons are as investigative as possible promoting enquiry and questioning about the past and how it has impacted our lives today.  Visits and visitors to school are used to bring history to life.

Click here: History Knowledge progression

Cick here: History skills progression