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Maths at St. Elizabeth’s

Through our maths curriculum, we aim for pupils to:

-develop curiosity about number and represent numbers in a variety of ways

-develop fluency when working with number across all 4 operations

-develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately, including times tables

-acquire and apply the vocabulary of maths

-apply mathematical reasoning in a variety of contexts

-make connections across mathematical ideas

-understand the importance of maths in the wider world

-use maths to support learning across the curriculum.

-use their mathematical knowledge in their own lives, to solve problems in a range of contexts.


Implementation: Maths is taught daily across the school, through blocks of work based on a progression of knowledge and skills.  The amount of time spent on each area of maths will be based upon progress towards objectives and the professional judgement of teachers.  Lessons are planned to allow pupils to develop arithmetic and calculation skills and problem solving and reasoning skills.  On the final day each week, pupils will revisit and revise previously taught concepts to ensure key knowledge and skills are committed to long term memory.  Further to this, ‘warm ups’ will take place daily to allow concepts to be revisited.  The ‘White Rose’ scheme will be used as the primary teaching tool but teachers will make use of other resources as appropriate.  Teachers also identify opportunities across the curriculum where mathematical skills can be used in context to support learning in all subjects.

Click here: Maths Progression

Click here: Calculation Progression